Forums / In game politics / VU suddenly a war game

VU suddenly a war game
06:25:22 Oct 22nd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

no more sim city? my guess is that with all the backstabbing by No pulse and nap breaking by others that hopefully there will be less napwhoring next era. this is how the game is meant to be, large alliances warring, not No pulse slowly eating smaller alliances (last era it was fate) and other alliances farming because nobody else dropped on their world (ffs look at starta). seriously other than the douchery by Nopulse, (and some serious douchery that was) this era has seen some actual wars, which is good for the game with massive armies , the bullying of smaller alliances (not so good) showed that the smaller alliances need to learn to coordinate, nobody cares when tiny alliances nap, they need to, its when large alliances nap everyone that the game gets stale.

anyway the end of the era should better, there is no Lew or burrito trying to farm a win as far as I am aware people are warring or filling blockers.

This is VU how its meant to be.

06:46:44 Oct 22nd 09 - Sir Burninglegion:

is this venting? , well yay for a good era

07:09:32 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Leavemebeimfarming:

i concur with your sentiments whole heartedly

08:14:58 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Gockullicus:

Congratualtions OP, I decided to make a new forum acc just for you.

Im guessing your either completly idiotic or a terrible troll.

No Pulse fighting small Alliances?
Did you check and see that we landed on a lower world?
Did you check and see that, we killed MAD in OOP war when they had more members.
Did you check and see that, we then attacked Denderii
Did you check and see that, we then moved to Fantasia, and attacked Fate who had been whoreing most of the era
Did you check, we then took on Crazy who were around 80% of our power, and a huge force
Did you check, that atm me and one of my kingom mates, are holding back New MAD,Knights of the black and white and various others from invading

No you didn't did you, your a complete and utter idiot


09:00:00 Oct 22nd 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Did you check and see that, we then moved to Fantasia, and attacked Fate who had been whoreing most of the era

By the time No Pulse showed up with their farmed armies, we had already repelled the first Phi wave and the Rebirth push and were on the 2nd wave of Phi and had long since had RVL knocking on our southern border.

Before you accuse others of not checking their facts before speaking, maybe you should take a little of your own advice.

09:04:26 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Twamao:

Did you check and see that I am back? 

Hanky Panky and his Kd mates will die!

Oh and Lithuanians too. 

11:16:47 Oct 22nd 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

they took us on?  heh.  by attacking an area we cleaned out and abandoned.  next time you want a fight you might want not to promise not to attack before you do.  BBMMFB at least didn't pussy around about it.  they get my respect.  and if any kingdom has balls it is DEMONS OF RAGIZ.

12:28:20 Oct 22nd 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

ffs look at starta?
do you even play this game, YOU TOTALLY FAIL
gawd, good bye

18:34:28 Oct 22nd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

LOL I love when no pulse posts their accomplishments this era, lmao.


and yeah I saw that you attacked fate after everyone else did, I saw you attack us after we moved our armies out, I watched you eat several small alliances on valhalla frankly not many of you have impressed me, anyone can farm up huge armies.

18:41:12 Oct 22nd 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

no member of no pulse has posted in this thread?

18:47:00 Oct 22nd 09 - Lord Lazydragoon:

no point, you have your opinions and though they differ from mine, you will always see what you want

19:58:52 Oct 22nd 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

You should come play with me at some point instead Ryan. Then you wouldnt have all theese issues with relations. We had none.

20:19:40 Oct 22nd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Congratualtions OP, I decided to make a new forum acc just for you.

Im guessing your either completly idiotic or a terrible troll.

No Pulse fighting small Alliances?
Did you check and see that we landed on a lower world?
Did you check and see that, we killed MAD in OOP war when they had more members.
Did you check and see that, we then attacked Denderii
Did you check and see that, we then moved to Fantasia, and attacked Fate who had been whoreing most of the era
Did you check, we then took on Crazy who were around 80% of our power, and a huge force
Did you check, that atm me and one of my kingom mates, are holding back New MAD,Knights of the black and white and various others from invading

No you didn't did you, your a complete and utter idiot

was a Nopulse player according to his post.


Nah Deno I like my alliance and we have some old friends joining next era. as well some more old school warbookers are coming.

20:53:25 Oct 22nd 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper IV:

Vu  finally a war game, it's more likely it's turning into one massive raging gangfck of Unhonorable play.

21:14:18 Oct 22nd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Your kingdom was one of the ones that started the Nap breaking Wolflord, and while its the guy who broke the nap and your leaders who are responsible the fact that nobody from your alliance spoke up against it spoke volumes.

21:54:23 Oct 23rd 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

i want tht pic on my bedroom wall =D!!
pointing at the door for when sum1 comes in my room :P!!
and i have heard alot of sh!t tht no pulse have been farming O_o!!
when have we had time to??

22:21:30 Oct 23rd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

probably sometime between the eating small alliances and the backstabbing allies (sorry I couldnt resist, I know that several of you have actually been warring but I have to mock tengo and duke backstabeynerd

14:07:06 Oct 24th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

we havnt been farming :(!!!
*walks away and starts tending to his crops* :p

18:16:14 Oct 24th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

y wud any1 farm in this game thats only for halvings.


18:23:48 Oct 24th 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

halflings farm? news to me!

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